4 Tips for Picking The Best Edible Dog Chews

It’s no secret that dogs love to chew. In fact, it’s a fundamental part of their development and overall health. As a puppy, it's common to have a chew toy or a treat available. However, not all dog chews are safe chews for dogs. That’s why most dog owners should be picky about what their dog plays with.

You have the perfect chance to provide a healthy, fun, and all-around enjoyable chew for your pup. Plus, a great chew can keep your dog busy and with good dental health. Here are a few things you should know to help you pick the best chew for dogs.

Focus on Natural Shapes

There are many edible chew options out there, but it is relatively easy to tell which ones are natural and which are made in a lab. Focus on natural shapes if you want an edible chew with the best health benefits. 

Chews that come in unnatural shapes, like stars, other animals, or the stereotypical bone shape, are likely made in a lab. That means they are heavily processed using chemicals to bind materials together. While those chews may not be unhealthy, the best options are natural ones found in nature. 

Take, for example, the Coffeewood Chew from our Happy Dog Boutique. It has a natural stick shape, as if it was pulled right off of a plant. It retains most of its natural shape, color, and health benefits since it doesn’t require invasive processing. The less processed the chew is, the healthier it is for your dog. 

Choose One That Lasts

When you give your dog a chew, you want it to last for a long time. For a chew to last, you want it made from a hard material. Softer materials will be ripped to shreds quickly. However, you also want that material to be naturally hard rather than artificially hardened. Materials like wood are great options since they are naturally tough but chewable.

Be cautious of rawhide and opt for rawhide alternatives whenever possible, as rawhide is not the best option for dogs. Rawhide chews can cause blockages and choking. While you should supervise your dog with any chews, there are natural dog chews that don't present this risk.

Check for Added Health Benefits

Choose a chew that can have extra health benefits. Most healthy dog chews can help keep a dog’s teeth clean and healthy by scraping off plaque and tartar from the teeth. Look to see if there is something beyond that. With our Coffeewood Chews, the chew is saturated with MCT oil which aid in joint, brain and liver health. Simple additions like this can help make your dog healthier over the long term. 

Try Out Different Chews

Dogs are much like people. They can get bored from eating the same things over and over again. It’s a good idea to try out a few chews with different flavor profiles to give your dog some fun experiences with them. You may find that your pup prefers one over the other, or that he looks forward to enjoying the variety. Anything that you can do to keep your dog engaged with what he’s eating can be a form of enrichment. 


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